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Paula A. Price is a strong and widely acknowledged international voice on the subject of apostolic and prophetic ministry. She is recognized as a modern-day apostle with a potent prophetic anointing. Active in full-time ministry since 1985, she has founded and established three churches, Kingdom Embassy University, Flaming Vision Consultation, and introducing her spiritual advocacy and consulting firm Omni Executive Services, and New Era Apostleship Restitution- a global collaborative linking apostles and prophets together for the purpose of kingdom vision and ventures. Dr. Price also hosts the television show Taking It On with Paula Price where she tackles relevant and often controversial kingdom and global issues. Here weekly global broadcasts also include The ABC’s of Apostleship 2: Discipling Apostolic Christians and Prophetic Ed. Through this international ministry, she has transformed the lives of many through her wisdom and revelation of God’s kingdom.


As a former sales and marketing executive, Dr. Price effectively blends ministerial and entrepreneurial applications in her ministry to enrich and empower a diverse audience with the skills and abilities to take kingdoms for the Lord Jesus Christ. A lecturer, teacher, curriculum developer and business trainer, Dr. Price globally consults Christian businesses, churches, schools and assemblies. Over a 30-year period, Dr. Price has developed a superior curriculum to train Christian ministers and professionals, particularly the apostle and the prophet. Her programs often are used in both secular and non-secular environments worldwide.  Although she has written over 25 books, manuals, and other course material on the apostolic and prophetic, she is most recognized for her unique 1,600-term Prophet’s Dictionary the Ultimate Guide to Supernatural Wisdom, and her concise prophetic training manual entitled The Prophet’s Handbook. Other releases include The ABC's of Apostleship, a practical guide to the fundamentals of modern apostleship; Divine Order for Spiritual Dominance, a five-fold ministry tool; Eternity’s Generals, an explanation of today’s apostle; and When God Goes Silent: Living Life Without God’s Voice. Additional publications include Before the Garden: God’s Eternal Continuum, The ABC’s of Apostleship 2: Discipling Apostolic Christians, Constructing the Contemporary Prophet, God’s Apostle Revived, Biblical Prophetics, The Five- Fold Ministry Offices, The Gambler’s Faith, Prophecy: God’s Divine Communications, 3D: Distress to Success and numerous training manuals and workbooks.


In 2002, Dr. Price created one of the most valuable tools for Christian Ministry called the Standardized Ministry Assessment series. It is a patent pending, destiny discovery tool that tells people who they are in God, what He created them to do, and how He created them to do it. The assessment series pinpoints those called to the church, its pulpit or other ministries, and those who would better serve the Lord outside of the church.


Beside this, Dr. Price has also developed credentialing tools for ministers and professionals, commissioning criteria and practices, along with ceremony proceedings for apostles and prophets. To complement these, she designed extensive educational programs for the entire five-fold officers and their teams.


In addition to her vast experience, Dr. Price has a D.Min. and a Ph.D. in Religious Education from Word of Truth Seminary in Alabama. She is also a wife, mother of three daughters, and the grandmother of two.


Explaining Prophetic Precedence

The Bible from beginning to end refers to prophets and prophecy. Every time you read “God said, the Lord spoke, thus says the Lord”, etc. you are being brought into the sphere of prophecy. That is how it began in scripture and it is the most enduring way God sees that He is heard in the world by its successive generations. Even though the Holy Spirit can and does speak within the spirit of all the saints He indwells, His being heard consistently, accurately, and intelligibly by His people is unlikely for a myriad of routine and unexpected reasons.

People are subject to many frailties that hinder their inward ability to hear God's words responsibly and correctly. Any number of situations can affect their ability to do so, which is why the Lord ordained prophets to serve Him throughout time. The divine communicant is constructed to hear the Lord and to articulate what He says according to His heart and intent, something people are often unable to do because their mental predisposition interprets what God says their way. Hence, the value of prophecy is perpetually established by the Lord as an unending medium of divine communication between Himself and His creaturehood.

The entire concept of prophecy and prophets rests on God’s need to say, do, initiate, control something, or otherwise intervene in human affairs. To do so from His throne in heaven, He devised a means of reaching people by speaking through others. We call this His media of divine communication. There is a book on this subject all prophets should read to grasp better the nature and scope of their prophetic objectives. It is entitled, “God's Divine Communications Media” by Dr. Paula A. Price.


From the Author of 'The Prophet's Dictionary'

Prophetic activity is designated by God to build, establish, support, enforce, or achieve the vision and mission of an organization. Organizational prophets are bona fide prophets of the Lord Jesus Christ who are assigned to carry out the functions and responsibilities of the prophet’s office in an organization, Christian or not.

Experienced Excellence


The well-trained well-managed Prophetic Company (Spiritual Advocacy Group) can prove to be a quality asset to any organization’s ministry team. At face value, this makes it strong necessity and not only a privileged luxury, or vice versa in the typical Christian organization. The typical Prophetic Company intercedes and intervenes with God’s spiritual authority on behalf of their organizations and its leadership. Resident Prophets or Divine Communicants, or Spiritual Advocates see to the organization’s economic adequacy, stability, integrity, and multi-dimensional prosperity. In addition, such groups pray for the whole organization, consult with and cover leaders, and participate in all major, significant, or organization functions. To assure their success, they are given intense training that involves prolific reading, scrutinous research, extensive study, and blended practice and apprenticeship.

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